Thursday, March 8, 2012

Giving Students a feeling of what we do

Hi everyone,

I did something different than usual this week. After reading the links that we had to read on the learning styles, i thought i can make an activity for my students from one of those links.

Since i gained much when reading those links, and here i mean about the multiple intelligence points, i think it is more than important that these skills are shared with the students. So, we would have students work in groups and review that sheet alone to understand the different intelligence they have and how many of the nine do they think they use above average.

The best part of the link is that their are hypelinks inside the sheet itself so students would go from page to page to understand and evaluate their learning skills.

Hakim Almasmari


  1. Hi Hakim,
    It seems you are eager to start an activity about the same week task. Good luck on it.
    Yes, Hakim, could you see the lots of hyper links to more profound readings and information?
    I'll try the quiz on Monday with my students.
    Best regards,

  2. Hi Hakim,

    You can ask your students to do the MI test and report back on the results.

    It would be a nice activity in ESL course and fun and interesting for the adult students.


  3. Hi Hakim,

    I'd like to support your idea: we have to give students a chance to identify their learning style. We also have to empower them to find the most effective learning techniques. And we also have to share with them...

    Actually, this list seems to be quite long. Over the long years of teaching and observing students I have arrived at the conclusion, any language course or study at the university should start with a profound meta-course: teaching the students how to study and developing meta-skills.

    Raising their awareness of their learning style is only one item. What about notes taking? What about voice control? What about information literacy? What about developing their memory, attention, reaction, flexibility, decision making?

    I think with the obvious drift towards life-long learning, learner autonomy, digital courses and teaching aids the look at education has to change in favor of teaching meta-skills.

    What do you think?

    Val, Belarus

  4. Hi Hakim,

    I also think it is a good idea to have students understand, define and evaluate their learning styles. By turning this into an activity you are killing two birds with one stone. Your students will certainly like this activity as it could be a kind of research of them.

    Zarifa, Uzbekistan

  5. If the students understand their style it'll be easier for them to work on their own task independently for student centered tasks.
    Teachers on the other hand can get to know students style and the earlier they know it, the faster they can work out on the types of activities for the whole semester.

